Yakuza 0 E3 2016 Trailer(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
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From PlayStation - E3 2016 LiveCast Day 1Toshihiro Nagoshi and Sam Mullem stop by the Playstation...
Coming to E3 2016 Sega will be showing off Yakuza 0 live with Nagoshi. It’s great to see...
Coming directly from the Playstation Official Blog Sony have shared their E3 press...
Nagoshi-san sends word that he’s landed safely back in Japan after E3. He’ll...
Nagoshi-san relaxing at E3. Only 1 meeting today. Ready to head back to home.
Fan submitted: The Perfect E3 2013. We can only dream.
Nagoshi-san confirmed he’ll be at E3 this week. If you’re going and manage...
Footage from Nintendo’s 2002 E3 guest starring Nagoshi
Showing of 4 Swords for GBA and announcing a playable demo for FZero on the gamecube!