New Sega RAW happening on 26/08/2013 at 9pm JST. This week Nagoshi will be discussing...
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Hanamaru SEGA (Nagoshi Live) on April 22nd at 9pm JST. This will be broadcast from...
Live Ryu Ga Gotoku 5 playthrough with Nagoshi and Ms RGG5 winner Mami Yamashita. Send...
On January second there will be a live play through of Ryu Ga Gotoku 1 - 4 on NicoNico!...
A couple of highlights from this mornings live NicoNico broadcast with Nagoshi. You can...
Live stream with Nagoshi on NicoNico. He’ll be answering fan submitted questions...
Catch the final few moments of Yakuza 1 in the Game Invaders live stream now!(Source:...
Yakuza Fridays.. on saturday?! Tune in now!
Live stream over for another week. Thanks again for doing it @GamingDude42
Yakuza 5 should be showing up on the live stream any moment.
Yakuza 5 should be showing up on the live stream any moment.