I figured it was time for an update on our Facebook campaign.
We’ve stagnated a little bit on our bring yakuza 5 West Facebook campaign but on the bright side we do have Sega’s attention. They know it exists and are watching!
Over the last month or so we’ve had a couple of shares from smaller news sites and even operation rainfall gave us their support. To all of you I say thanks!
Now for the next part. We need to go mainstream! We’ve got a campaign here with nearly 3000 Likes, not a small number by any petition standards, but we can do better! Remember to share the image encourage your friends to like and share.
Tweet the editors of major video game news sites (Polygon, Destructoid, Kotaku, IGN, Joystiq, Gamespot, The Escapist, et al) and let them know what we’re trying to do. That page has been seen by over 100,000 people yet only a little under 3000 have Liked it!
Most of all I want to say a simple Thank You to the fans who have already help spread the word.