Yesterday Japanese magazine and media giant famitsu announced they will be publishing a massive 640 page guide book for Ryu Ga Gotoku 8 (Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth). The book promioses to cover just about everything in the game including all substories and secrets found throughout the game. The book is due out March 8th, 2024 in Japan for 3190 Yen (inc. Tax) with no English Release date being announced as of yet. As this guide is by famitsu it is unlikely it will see a western release. But for those that import there’s a ton of data in here to help you get through the game.

Import stores like Play-Asia already have a listing for the guide book but it’s not yet up for preorder so add it to your wishlist today!

Book contents include:

  • Main story guide
  • Battle system guide
  • Thorough analysis of each job including DLC
  • Substories and a complete explanation of how to complete Kiryu’s memories diary.
  • Main play spots. A comprehensive list of all furniture that can be made on Dondoko Island
  • Enemy analysis including Sujimon abilities
  • The locations of various items hidden the game, including Hawaii, with maps
  • Complete data on various equipment and items essential for strategy

You can check out the cover of the “Ryu ga Gotoku 8 Complete Strategy Book” below:

Product information
Book title: Ryu ga Gotoku 8 Complete Strategy Book
Release date: March 8, 2024 (Friday)
Specifications: All color / 210 x 148 mm / 640 pages planned
List price: 3,190 yen (2,900 yen + main price) Tax)
