Sega-Sammy’s Annual Report for 2016 has been updated with statistics showing the current lifetime sales for all SEGA/Atlus game properties. This includes the entire Yakuza franchise since the first was released in 2005.

As expected Sonic is the biggest seller at 350 million units but remember this list includes everything from Pachislot machines to cell phone apps so these numbers are going to be a little inflated to looks good to shareholders. This makes the Yakuza series the 3rd best selling IP SEGA has (under Sonic and PuyoPuyo) even beating out Phantasy Star Online!

The Yakuza series has sold an approximate 9.3 Million units!

For those of you that want a better look at how SEGA operates and what the financial goals are for 2017 I highly suggest checking out the Report. It’s full of neat SEGA business stuff I haven’t seen anywhere else!

Thanks to our friends at Segalization for digging this one up!