yakuza 4 – speed star (playstation 3)
i <3 akiyama. there’s something about lazy, goofy, drunk idiots who haphazardly succeed by being genuine and kind that just makes my heart melt. maybe it’s the whole yojimbo/monkey king vibe he gives off?
anyways, this song is S.T.R.O.N.G. and perfectly sums up what i like about the music in the series. smashing faces alongside fast jazz. it’s what life is all about.
yakuza 4 was actually the first game i played in the series (having in the past been told by idiots that the ps2 ones were just “bad gta clones without driving”). at some point, i watched the trailer for y4, realized that it was pretty much shenmue mixed with river city ransom, and immediately went out and purchased a ps3. you know what? it’s better than shenmue. way better. i said it.
and it’s the real reason someone should buy a ps3. not for metal gear solid 4. not for 3d dot game heroes. not for journey. not for the last of us. not for heavy rain. buy it for yakuza. play the first 2 on your ps3. buy all the sequels. import the untranslated ones. it’s one of the best, if not the best, current game series.
as far as i’m concerned, sega can throw sonic away (but please bring back jet set radio!!!). they need to bring y5 over asap.
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