First Ishin restaurant tie in announced! You’d think it would be hard to do tie ins in a game set in 1868 but that won’t stop anyone!

Besides having the restaurant appear in game they’re also partnering with Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega for a pretty awesome giveaway!

Starting today if you order from Kamatora you will be entered to win one of the above prizes:

  • Ishin branded pillow (20 to give away)
  • Ishin fan (100 to give away)
  • Sakamoto Ryoma (Kiryu) statue (12 to give away)

All entrants also get exclusive wallpapers for cell phones and PC!

You will also be entered to win the grand prize of 1 of 5 Sony Playstation 4’s and a copy of Ishin when they launch in Japan next year!

Let it be known; I will have that pillow and statue, somehow.