let me explain you a thing…: We can sugarcoat it all we want, but it boils down to having the…
We can sugarcoat it all we want, but it boils down to having the karaoke minigame in a slightly different skin. The vast majority of Yakuza fans don’t care about such gameplay in the slightest. It was obviously a way of attracting more female fans.
I’m sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m really curious. Clearly there’s some female resentment/bitterness going on here.
Oh yes, let’s put dancing and singing games in the Yakuza series because clearly that’s the only way a female will play them. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have ANY idea how popular those types of games are in Japan? Any idea at all? That’s why it was put there, to capitalize on a type of game that’s hugely popular over there right now. Not because it was the only way females will play the game.
But hey, thanks for being that outdated, old fashioned, sexist part of the gaming industry that constantly gives women shit for being gamers. That’s helpful.
Oh, and since you’re oh so sure of yourself and that girls don’t play the Yakuza series here’s a little gift for you:
I call this one: “My 100%’s in all the PS3 Yakuza Games” or alternatively; “If IDID have a dick you could fucking suck it.”
Ok. Bye.
The female Yakuza fans are the best, bar none. Look at all those platinums!