Out of nowhere SEGA have announced a collaboration between Yakuza and Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown. The new DLC pack will release December 7/8th for $9.99 (USD).

Pick up the DLC when it releases on Playstation 4 later this week!

The Yakuza Collaboration Pack contains

  • Character customization items (~650)
  • 19 Character costume types
  • 19 Yakuza series character costumes
  • 20 Yakuza series Music Tracks
  • 20 Virtua Fighter 3 Music Tracks
  • 40 Spectator Stickers

Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown released on PS4 earlier this year as a stand alone title and was included with PS+. If you’re still playing this is the perfect opportunity to get back in!