
Just beat Yakuza Kenzan for the first time. The Yakuza spin off samurai game.

In complete Japanese.

These are my stats. 28 hours and that was without doing:

  • Bounty hunting
  • Most favours
  • Most training
  • Any inventions
  • Most services
  • Finding 20+ Locker Keys
  • Fighting in any  tournaments
  • Completing any restaurant lists for bonus items.
  • Most revelations.

It was hard goings and I desperately want to do this other stuff but it’s SO tedious in Japanese. I hope Sega releases it in english.

It may be my favourite game in the Yakuza series next to Yakuza 2.

28 hours and only 1/3 of things done in game. That’s value! Time to start NewGame+!