Headcrab Hat: Mike’s Mini, Spoiler-Free Yakuza 3 Review
Dear lord that game was really really sad. As campy, funny, and over the top it could be, it was still more depressing than like Heavy Rain
But that’s ok because WOW WHAT AN AMAZING STORY
Really the story was just written fantastically and all of the characters were just great
Not to mention the gameplay is great
It’s a sandbox but not like wide open which is good because you can’t like sprint outside of certain sequences and you don’t drive around like in GTA.
However, like Shenmue, since the sandbox isn’t too big the developers were able to put in a LOT of detail into it and really make it come alive
The fighting, which is the heart and soul of the Yakuza series, is spot on like always. It’s easy to learn and challenging but satisfying to master. Plus, as you level yourself up, you get your choice of sweet new moves to pummel your enemies with. And of course, it’s also violent as nothing ever before and definitely not a children’s game. It could make Saint’s Row look like Barbie Horse Adventure
It’s a game I’d recommend to anybody looking to change things up a bit instead of playing MODERN WAR BATTLES 5: CALL OF THE MEDAL OF HONOR FIELD for the fiftieth time, and actually start getting a worthwhile experience out of their video games.
Now time to start Yakuza 4!
I love reading passionate reviews for Yakuza games. Glad to see people enjoying a series that deserves more love! You’ll love Yakuza 4.