Oh right this thing needs a name: I started playing Ryu ga gotoku Kenzan
I knew I wouldn’t really understand most of the things said and written in the game since it’s completely in Japanese, but I do understand very simple sentences and I can read hiragana but that’s pretty much it. I knew this but I thought “at least I get to play it” (it hasn’t been published in English or any other languages) since I really love the Yakuza series.
I haven’t really had time to start playing it for real and I’ve only played it for like a half an hour but I had no idea how tough it would be, to play without understanding what is being said. Not tough as in “hard ‘cause I don’t know what to do” but tough as in “what did he say I want to know everything, I want to know what this dialogue is like, he laughed I bet he something really funny, who is this person I bet he’s telling me something really interesting and I have no idea….” Not to mention the substories and other side missions for which I can’t complete or even start because. Well. Japanese.
And I bet the game is FULL of interesting info about old Japan and it’s customs (I could tell just by looking at the town) but I don’t have a clue even though I REALLY want to know. I like how there is a lot of text in Yakuza games, I like reading them because it’s interesting and entertaining (dialogues, yay!) and now that I can’t… Sad face.
And above all… plot twists. Yakuza series has TONS of them. But if I don’t know what’s going on then instead of going “AFIABNFSPICNAIXC HE DID NOT JUST- IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG” I’m going to be more like “….ok. I don’t really…. ok.”
I REALLY wish there was an English sub version of this game! T_T
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