@Akifromspace pointed me to this great post over on the official Sega forums where one of the Sumo Digital staff is asking fans who they’d like to see as DLC in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed!

I’ll set you a challange. Without any policing from the SUMO or SEGA crew, if you can all agree on three characters by the 1st of December and prove there is sufficient interest of at least 1000 unique people *per* character, I will present the result to SEGA. I can’t promise anything will happen as a result, but since you’re starting it…

Let’s see if you can organise yourselves in the next few weeks to pull that off!

My sole hints, first you probably need to define some rules, then agree on who will police them, and then run it fairly (no cheating) and deliver something professional and credible I’d be able to use. You are on your own for the rest 


So there you have it. The character debate thread has already opened on the Sega forum and you can add your own request to the list. 

Go on over, sign up and add Kazuma Kiryu to the list!