Announced today Ryu Ga Gotoku capsule toys are now available in Japan. It's great to see more Ryu...
Hi-Tech Land SEGA – Day 5 [Yakuza 0 Countdown]
Getting tired of beating up thugs all day? Relax at the Hi-Tech Land SEGA in either Sotenbori or 2...
A Most Excellent Yakuza 0 “The Business Edition” Unboxing
John, SEGA’s best PR guy, is unboxing the Business Edition of Yakuza 0!
The business edition is available for preorder and should come with every first run edition of the game in North America. Just a reminder that Europe will only be getting the regular edition as it’s being published by Deep Silver. Love that the business cards match the ones in game!
The Catfight Arena – Day 7 [Yakuza 0 Countdown]
Below the streets of Kamurocho lays a secret playspot. A fight club that caters to a very specific...
The Tojo Clan – Day 11 [Yakuza 0 Countdown]
Welcome to the next chapter in our countdown to Yakuza 0! Today we're taking a look at the ranking...
Welcome To Japan – Day 12 [Yakuza 0 Countdown]
Welcome to our new feature where every day we're going to show off something cool about Yakuza 0...
Ryu Ga Gotoku 6 / Yakuza 6 Review
The official Yakuza Fan review for Ryu Ga Gotoku 6.
Yakuza 0 Preview – A Tour Of Sotenbori [Preview]
Our preview footage of Yakuza 0 continues! We're back with Majima in...
Yakuza 0 Preview – A Tour Of Kamurocho [Preview]
Yakuza 0 is out on January 22nd 2017 and thanks to SEGA we got a chance to take a look at the game in english a couple of weeks early. We’re showing off some of the more unique systems and run into some amazing sub stories along the way. No story stuff but you guys will get a chance to see some of the more unique things that so far make Yakuza 0 one of the best in the series!