Just because the reviews hit doesn’t mean we’re stopping! You guys know the game is great so let me show you some more cool stuff you might not know about. If you’re a fan of the Yakuza series you likely already know about the substories but did you know that in Yakuza 0 you can make friends around the city and even build up a persona style social link with them!
Make Contact
Check everywhere you can around both cities. Any character model that looks suspiciously well texture just might be your ticket to a new friendship!
From the backstreets, and bowling alley, to the convenience stores, and arcades you’ll find people that want to be your friend all over the place. Strike up a conversation and you’ll see the little Friendship Bar appear above their heads.
Come back to check on them every so often and increase your friendship level. Hit the max to get an awesome little cutscene and learn something about your new friend.
Weirdos with Benefits
Let’s take a quick look at a friend call Mr. Labido. A master of his domain needs your help to find the perfect… companion.
Start off your new friendship showing off the telephone girl cards you’ve found around town. Don’t worry even if they’re just a little scantily clad Mr. Labido can make use of them.
Keep playing nice and eventually you’ll be learning about things you never thought you needed to know.