Money Solves Everything!
You’ll quickly find out that money runs everything in Yakuza 0 this includes upgrading your abilities! In a total reimagining of the upgrade system from previous games in the series. For the first time ever your money IS your experience! No more grinding out that last little bit of exp or replaying mini games for that upgrade token. Through random street fights, gambling, or even investing in the city itself make your money work for you.
Making it BIG
When you first start playing you’ll barely have a yen to your name but before long you’ll be rolling in it. Hold off on those ability upgrades though, just for a little bit at least. Take some of that cash and hit up the gambling dens, invest in property around the city, or build up your stable of cute girls at the cabaret club. Soon enough you’ll be raking it in and you won’t even have to do anything!
Don’t be stingy, fortune favors the bold after all. Remember money is experience so betting it all, while risky, means you can take that and roll it back into yourself. Make your level even bigger than your wallet until even Mr. Shakedown is scared of you!
Invest In Yourself
Yakuza 0 offers, for the first time in the mainline series, the ability to switch fighting styles on the fly. Whether you’re wailing on fools with Majima’s Slugger style or tearing through bosses with Kiryu’s beast mode make sure you take a moment and drop some of your hard earned cash on yourself.
Press Options and head to the Abilities menu to view the ability sphere grid. Take a look around each style and then hold X to drop some cash. The strongest ones don’t come cheap but if you want to rule this city purchasing as many skills as you can is the only way you’re going to come out on top.
You might notice some of your abilities are locked up. Maybe they’re too powerful or too dangerous for you to know. Just keep playing eventually you’ll find some friends that will help you unlock some of the more devastating moves.